Thursday, April 8, 2010

I hope you choke.

I fuckin hate you. :].

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Alright! Hai everyone! I know I don't update this much. -Makes a note to remember- ^3^' I'll come back later today and write some!. <3 Lovies! :D


One day I want to grow up and be a unicorn because unicorns are fuckin amazing. Lol!
Anyways I'm bored. <3.
Talkin to peoples on chatango.
Add me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I know I haven't posted on here in a while. I have been sort of busy, sort of depressed and sort of trying to get everything together. I met this guy. I fell in love. I met him in person. I got broke again. :3. My life, eh? Seems it. It's ok though. I'm fine. :3 My mom and I are moving Friday. I won't have internet for a while.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I loled when my best friend told me that my ex is going back out with his old ex. It made me happy cause at least he will be outta my ass. :]. Anyways I'm so pissed off at my cousin, Kevin, that it's not even funny. I wanted to go see New Moon so he promised me he would take me, well he went with someone else last weekend and then went bowling this weekend. So fuck him. :]. I wished I had money. I would go then but all of my friends have seen it and Dee wouldn't wanna go with me cause she is sick of Twilight etc etc. I think today is gonna be a shit day. I'm sick of stupid shit going on, my mom is throwing a fit and idk why. I'm so so so sick of life atm. I just said I'm gonna kill myself and no one said anything. I love the way my family loves me. I have nothing to look forward to atm. I'm hella sad and hella depressed and hella pissed and I hate stupid shit!!!!!!!! :\.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Meh. I feel like complete shit. Nothing in my life ever goes right. Something someone said to me made me realize some things. Some things that I can't let happen. My mom and I are fighting alot, I feel completely alone, still.. :\. Idk what else to say.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ki Ga Omoi..

See.. I've been tumbling down a hill.. Straight down.. to the pits.. Does he love me still? I'm not sure of my thoughts on life at the moment.. I'm so caught up in the past that the present and possible future is clouding my judgement because I have no room for me.. I feel completely alone.. I do.. I'm not sure what is wrong with me.. I'm just so depressed that I don't know what to do.. "Just hold my hand to show some concern if I.. Live or.. Die.." Fuck.. I've been this way for about the past three weeks.. I try to hide it.. It's just got to the point where I want to explode and cry.. I don't want to feel like this anymore.. I think I need to get help.. :x.. Maybe go see someone and get some depression meds or something.. I don't know.. I'm shaking at the moment.. Sad music.. My heart is broken.. I'm not sure what to do anymore.. I havent been eating much.. I feel so hungry but I know that since I am depressed that if I eat more than a little then I will use it as my crutch.. I feel so alone.. I hate being alone.. I really need to go do my homework.. But mama just turned the light out on me.. So I guess that's work for tomorrow.. I'm gonna curl up in bed and cry.. Good night everyone.